Welcome to my page.

I'm a finance professional interested in software development. On this page I want to introduce my studies on software developing.

Technologies I have exprienced:

I have completed several online courses from kodlama.io and studied following programming languages and frameworks in my projects.

Finance Dashboard

Interactive committee presentation pages, always online & ready to use.

Do not bother your team with excel graphs need new data entries/updates before every meeting.

Installing the app onto related parties' computers will be enough to let them see the latest results any time they want.

See Demo App


Slides Covered

Monthly and Annual Trends of P&L, Assets, Non-cash Loans & Exch.Rates.

Interest Income Breakdown by Customers.

Expense Analysis w/ actual vs budget comparison.

Cash & Non-cash Loans, Margin Analysis.


Save time: No need to get data from systems, giving it to excel, refreshing graphs and pasting it to powerpoint slides.

Your graphs will be ready as you open the app. Not just for a specific date but for any date you want.

Technical Details

Ready to run on banks using Intervision. Using Javascript & Electron Framework.

Plug and play desktop app on client side. No server/IIS needed.

See Demo App

Outlook Addin: Recurring E-mail Messages

Need to send same e-mail everyday/week/month ?

Have files to be checked at a specific time of day?

Give this addin a try

See Details & Installation Support



You do not need to think about the recurring e-mail messages you need to send daily/weekly/monthly. Recurring Messages Addin will take care of them as long as your Outlook remains open.

You will save time while minimizing/eliminating the risk of missing an e-mail.

My Motivation

Everyday I need to open & check many files which includes validation results, report submission proofs or automated system outputs. These need to be done in specific times of day and should not be missed. Addin checks the relevant directories for me at these specific times and sends e-mail to me and my teammates with attachment or in other case with a warning like -attachment not found-.

Deadline Followup & Reminder Tool

Concerned about missing an important deadline ?

Tool will keep you secure against deadlines and will be an essential component of your processes/work flows.


What it does

Every morning tool lets you and your team know of what needs to be done on that day in an e-mail. In another e-mail it sends the tasks should be done in five days ahead.

If anyone in team misses a date, other team members will be awake of this and things can be sorted out before deadline without any incidents.

Tool will be sending morning e-mails until someone in team opens the app marks the job done.

Four eyes principle

Another functionality is making sure of tasks (where required) are checked by four eyes. Tool keep sending morning e-mails until four eyes check completed.

After one team member marks the job as done, tool expects another team member to control and marked it as "checked".

Tool keeps sending morning e-mails until four eyes check completed.

Audit Trail

Records can be retrieved anytime in pdf report format for audit purposes.

These reports and e-mails sent daily by solution will be your audit trails to be presented to both internal & external auditors.

Web service communicator

An electron desktop app to send data (make post requests with data in JSON format) to APIs and show results.

Can be used for test purposes.

Can also be used for production enviroments after some enhancements for storing outgoing and incoming data into databases.

See Demo Page Fork on Github